Android 64-bit & macOS Catalina release
It’s finally public. As described in the previous Status Update, a new maintanence release is out. Among the most important enhancements
• Android 64-bit support (arm64-v8a & x86_64)
• macOS 10.15 Catalina, iOS 13 & Xcode 11 support
• Native Xcode Archive support for submitting apps to the App Store or for macOS Notarization
There are also a lot of smaller fixes and changes under the hood to support these things. …
Status Update
My apologies for the lack of public updates. The short story is that my father has late stage lung cancer. He was diagnosed over 6 years ago with stage 4 lung cancer. Despite that, he has beat the odds and out-lived the average life expectancy for his diagnosis. However, starting in back in December, he started having a lot more complications and required a lot more care assistance from me. …